

Bone Palace Ballet: Grand Coda (W/Dvd) このシンフォニックでエモーショナルなサウンドは、スクリーモファンではなくても、聴く価値ありますね!時折みせる、バイオリンやピアノは、とても綺麗でシンフォニックですね。それに、voのハイトーンやシャウト、スクリーム、コーラスのダミ声的な声が上手く織り混ぜています。楽器隊は、メタル色はなくロック色が強いですね!最近は、メタル色の強いバンドが多いので、このような初期のスクリーモ色が強いバンドは、元祖スクリーモ的な感じで、個人的にいろいろな、スクリーモが楽しめて好きですね。また、このサウンドにシンフォニックを混ぜるところ何かは、圧巻のクオリティではないでしょうか。スクリーモファンではなくても、おすすめの一枚ですね。おすすめのナンバーは、捨て曲ありませんが、強いて言うなら11は凄く格好良いので、おすすめです!
If you are a fan of old fifties quasi sci-fi monster movies then this will be right up your alley. It was made in the same vein as the blob with the same antagonists. However you may notice that Officer Mooney (John Vernon) is still playing “Animal House” (1978.)

The theory that this may be the source of people being spooked by clowns is plausible after watching this movie.

Finally a movie where the popcorn sticks to your ribs, and what ever. The cotton candy has a 50's spin to it. And this movie will clown around with your mind. You won't be disappointed. See Suzanne Snyder (Debbie Stone) again in “Weird Science” (1985).

The DVD is loaded with the standard goodies. Thirteen year later the directors discus the original intent and some unique problems. There are out takes. And may other pieces of information to make viewing the movie fun.
I do not see the DVD available in Japan.

Killer Klowns From Outer Space [VHS] [Import] If you are a fan of old fifties quasi sci-fi monster movies then this will be right up your alley. It was made in the same vein as the blob with the same antagonists. However you may notice that Officer Mooney (John Vernon) is still playing “Animal House” (1978.)

The theory that this may be the source of people being spooked by clowns is plausible after watching this movie.

Finally a movie where the popcorn sticks to your ribs, and what ever. The cotton candy has a 50's spin to it. And this movie will clown around with your mind. You won't be disappointed. See Suzanne Snyder (Debbie Stone) again in “Weird Science” (1985).

The DVD is loaded with the standard goodies. Thirteen year later the directors discus the original intent and some unique problems. There are out takes. And may other pieces of information to make viewing the movie fun.
I do not see the DVD available in Japan.

