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U3-X Personal Mobility Prototype

U3-X Personal Mobility Prototype

With U3-X Honda rethinks the concept of personal mobility, providing the rider with freedom of movement in any direction forward, backward, sideways and diagonally by simply leaning slightly in the desired direction. The lightweight and compact one-wheeled device also features a foldable seat and retractable footrests. A lithium-ion battery pack provides power for up to one-hour of use and can be recharged by plugging in to a conventional household or office 120-volt power outlet. Weighing roughly 22 pounds, U3-X uses an advanced Honda proprietary balance-control system which derives from its research into human walking dynamics for the development of the ASIMO bi-pedal humanoid robot. To realize full freedom of movement in all directions, the U3-X also employs the worlds first omni-directional driving wheel system (Honda Omni Traction Drive System) which utilizes a series of concentrically mounted wheels a larger, forward and backward moving inner wheel and a series of smaller sideways moving outer wheels. Diagonal motion is achieved when both forward and sideways moving wheels operate in tandem. In addition, the compact size and one-wheel-drive design of U3-X was intended to provide user-friendly and pedestrian-friendly operation with low-mounted foot pedals that make it easy for the rider to reach the ground, and a seat height that places the rider at approximately the same eye-level as other people.
>>: 42751-VA3-J00 OEM Honda Rubber TIRE for HR194 HR195 HR214 HR215 HR216 HRA214 HRA215 HRC215K1 type PDA SDA SXA HRM21 HRS21 Lawn Mower FC

きゃーここなら行ける! RT @wild7_movie: 12/10(土)〜13(火)まで、Hondaウェルカムプラザ青山にワイルド7の愛車7台を揃って展示します!全てが揃う貴重な機会です。

Masa dipanggil sm @Novalio_GaGa sm yala (yalqa) honda friel -_- gara gara usernamenya salsafryl -_-"

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