"この街" from "まんてん" played by ocha
『NHK連続テレビ小説テーマ曲集(YAMAHA)』から『この街』 ~ 『まんてん』より作曲:間宮工編曲:森乃リコ奄美民謡独特のビブラートはピアノで再現できません。
Sound of Music | Central Station Antwerp (Belgium)
More than 200 dancers were performing their version of "Do Re Mi", in the Central Station of Antwerp. with just 2 rehearsals they created this amazing stunt! Those 4 fantastic minutes started the 23 of march 2009, 08:00 AM. It is a promotion stunt for a Belgian television program, where they are looking for someone to play the leading role, in the musical of "The Sound of Music".
瞳の中のGalaxy / 嵐 : ピアノ(ソロ) / 中級
この楽譜の購入はコチラからwww.print-gakufu.com ぷりんと楽譜www.print-gakufu.com 演奏に使用しているピアノヤマハ Clavinova CLPシリーズ