Traffic Trailer HQ (2000)

Traffic Trailer HQ (2000)

Director: Steven Soderbergh Cast: Michael Douglas;Benicio de Toro; Dennis Quaid; Catherine Zeta-Jones; Salma Hayek. Plot:A conservative judge is appointed by the President to spearhead America's escalating war against drugs, only to discover that his teenage daughter is an addict.
The traffic on the bqe <<<<

RT @VTempTraffic: A24 Roma-Teramo: veicolo fermo o avaria tra Carsoli-Oricola (Km. 50,5) e Tagliacozzo (Km. 61,1) in dire... #traffic

I hate when dumbass people stop at a yield sign when there's no cross traffic. smh bitch GO!

Soo for traffic lights theres only red and green....wheres the yellow? No slow down b4 u come to a complete stop!??

@London_Traffic 403 is a bit slippery in spots between 401 and Brantford.

In traffic & gotta pee so bad ugh

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