Star Castle Arcade Machine
Star Castle Arcade Machine

Unedited VGA quality video taken from an actual Cinematronics machine, since YouTube seemed to be lacking one. There is definitely a difference with MAME in how the game plays and sounds. I am pretty rusty here... my playing falls apart around 18K and again at 24K. Some dumb mistakes! I should really put some effort into it and try to master it, having it at home. I think my best score is around 35K. Not bad, but I remember kids playing Star Castle so long that the game pace would slow down again. They would then just walk away bored, so I could play it for free with all those extra ships. =) UPDATE: It appears that the machine has the earlier and probably easier romset. I wonder how much I would suck at the newer version. Props to Andy Hofle for the authentic 1981 "Arcade Ambiance" background track.
@PakisDan Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, StarCastle, King Crimson, Gentle Giant, Van Der Graaf Generator, YES, Magma, Matching Mole
I really wanna go back to starcastle!
あれ、2011作ではないものも紛れ混んでるけど気にしないw #nowplaying True to the Light ♪ Starcastle
RT @OnlyGrlNDaWrld: I wanna come to starcastle on a date!
I wanna come to starcastle on a date!
“@OnlyGrlNDaWrld I really wanna go back to starcastle!”lol me to
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