報知グラフ増刊 箱根駅伝完全ガイド2012 2012年 01月号 [雑誌]
If you do not have time but want to know an overview of the outlook of the Hakone ekiden quickly, this magazine is the one to read.
BUT, compared to the other magazines of the same topic, it has not analyzed each team deep enough. Therefore, only three (3) stars.

華麗なる馬券術 (注目すべき隠された穴馬の法則) [DVD]


陸上競技マガジン増刊 箱根駅伝2012完全ガイド 2012年 01月号 [雑誌]
I thought twice before purchasing this one, because it was the most expensive one among the other similar magazines that I bought for watching the Hakone ekiden this year.
I think it was good that I purchased it. I ended up looking at this magazine the most while watching the Hakone ekiden on TV.
It has many articles from different perspectives. The data is detailed. It was especially useful that it has data on the recent results of Hakone, Izumo and Zenhihon of each participating team. I also like the data on each member with a photo. The chart listing his treasure and favorite female celebrity was fun.