The story is tight and well written. There are no lose ends; yet there is flexibility to speculate what each decision means to the people evolved. For some it is a straightforward love story, for others conflict. Yet it is the conflict that leads to growth and understanding.The actors match the characters perfectly and even though they are major actors they do not overwhelm the characters that they play. For some reason I forget that James Garner is in this movie yet he is the pivot point and catalyst for many scenes as Captain Mike Bailey.The scenery was intriguing. First there was the countryside that appeared timeless yet the theaters were both ancient and modern (for the time period of the movie). I spent an R. &R. in Japan in 1968 (more time in the country then at the Ginza) and had a hard time leaving my self.There is always a residual of the attitudes that were taking place during the Korean War period. And there are many more prejudices to fill the gap today. It is unfortunate that these people do not recognize themselves in the movie (if they did the movie may never have been made), and this alone is what makes the movie worth watching.If you watch it once you will watch it again. サヨナラ [DVD] 関連情報

【MHX】みいこソロ:Let's ニャンス(トラベルナ)を踊ってみた【BGM Ver.】
高 美以子は日系アメリカ人女優。マーロン・ブランドと共演した1957年の映画『サヨナラ』で演じた「ハナオギ」役で知られる。高
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