63 Ranch - Livingston, Montana

63 Ranch - Livingston, Montana

The 63 Ranch history dates from 1863 (hence its name). In 1982 it was the first dude ranch in Montana. The ranch sits at 5600 feet altitude below Elephant Head Mtn., 50 miles north of Yellowstone National Park, 12 miles from Livingston, Montana.
I really want a hot pickle and ranch sun flower seeds right now!

@MLG_Showtime omfg bro lol we live like 10 minutes apart... do you know where San Tan is and Johnson Ranch?

@MrsCrewChief I thought you had already called your farm 'The-Tater-Tot-Trot' or "Lil' Tater Ranch" haha

I want a mini horse! Like really badly! I miss working at the mini horse ranch.

My mistress is Ranch!!! RT @lupAPHIAsco: I love sex but bacon is a close second...

Pissed I forgot to buy blueberry waffles and ranch dressing.

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